
Friday, April 16, 2010

I love to collect...

Vintage buttons! Here is a part of my collection. I really really really love vintage buttons on their original card. In fact, I used to make necklaces with them (I created a clear casing and then added a chain), that I used to sell in my etsy shop when it originally opened! (blue-eyed freckle did not start out as headbands, it evolved. More on that at a later date!).

I think the reason people are so enamored with buttons is that though they mostly retain the same shape (circular), they have so many different textures and colors that make them unique. I personally am hooked when I see a fun color or pattern on them. And well, I am a sucker for the cute card they are sewn on too... There are so many possibilities with buttons, but like fabric, my favorite ones never get used. They just sit on the shelf for me to admire.

I keep buying them with the intentions of USING them on things I make, but I just can't bare to take them off the card! I am pondering the idea of just framing them. anyway, hope you liked this post, because along with the "vintage Katie creations (which  I still have more of!!)" I will also be periodically posting about the things I collect! hooray!


  1. I am a complete button FREAK! I love them all! I have saved my infant's baby food jars and use the jars as storage for my buttons. Not only does it keep organized, it allows me to look at them and admire them everyday!!

  2. ooooh I love the baby jar idea. I keep my button collection stored in antique mason jars. so pretty to just look at.

    I used to cast buttons in resin as well. But I would make belt buckles and magnets. Lots of fun!

  3. My mother-in-law has two frames in her house full of vintage buttons on their original cards. I love looking at them and wish I had room in my house to frame some of my own!

  4. Do you remember that store in Salt Lake called The Bag Lady? So she had this huge jar of vintage buttons on their original cards and I ended up buying it. I agree with you... you really can't bare to take the buttons of the cards.

  5. Glad to hear I am not the only one, I want to use them, but I have to wait...for the perfect project..which never happens. he he

    Love your collection.

  6. I LOVE vintage buttons. :D

    I like them on their cards, but I am usually able to remove and use them! I might have to try hanging some up though. Great decorating idea!

  7. I was at a craft show today and saw a vendor selling earrings she had made out of pretty pairs of vintage buttons. I can't remember her name though...

  8. I love buttons too! I'm like a magpie, especially when they're still on the original card. You have a gorgeous collection, wow. I can never use mine for anything! I've scanned them in and used them for design stuff but few of them make it to my sewing projects!x

  9. Love the idea of framing your buton collection. If you framed them in a shadow style box (but huge) you could always add. Almost like a bulletin board! Keep collecting! You have such a good eye! Mora
