
Monday, April 5, 2010

so you think your crafty... but you're not. haha!

so, I didn't make the top ten for the SO YOU THINK YOU'RE CRAFTY auditions. oh well. I attribute this to the fact that my piece was more design-y and less craft-y. I knew that when I went into it, but i was hoping people would see the potential behind having a designer/artist over a crafter in the competition. Not that i am not a crafter too... anyway, that's life! It actually came as a great relief because I have been so swamped as of late, that another thing on my plate may have put me over the edge.

anyway, thanks for those that voted and happened to pick mine!! ( I am sure most of you knew it was me. I mean before the headband craze, I was making and selling all sorts of "bib" collar things (since 2005 actually--unfortunately before they became popular).  Oh and the fabulous model on the top was my good friend Shannon, and the decapitated photo on the bottom was me of course.


  1. i thought that was yours. i thought it was cool.

  2. That's too bad! It would have been fun to see what you came up with! We'll stop by here, then, for your latest creations! :)

  3. it seems that people on SYTYC just like to vote for more um, "mommish" stuff now. I bet it would have been fun to be in, but super stressful!

  4. I'm sorry. I honestly voted for the bib necklace because I thought it was the coolest thing I could make. I don't suppose you're still taking orders for them? Or considering putting up a tute for one? Hint hint?

  5. I just found your blog through MJ&G. I love your style.

  6. I voted for you and had no idea it was yours! love love love it! sad we won't see more

  7. May I say, people are CRAZY!!! Your's was by far my favorite and I totally knew it was you, too! I don't know what people are coming to...

  8. Well, I voted for yours too, and hadn't even been to your blog before! But I loved the necklace & was disappointed that it didn't get voted in. Would love to see a tutorial too :)

  9. it would have been fun to be in, but super stressful!
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  10. So I thought I was crafty too, but apparently not! I LOVED your necklace and several of my friends thought it might have been mine since it was my style. I think that's a compliment. :)

    If you haven't already done one, I'd love to see a tutorial for the necklace. Enjoy crafting with no theme or deadline. (That's what I keep telling myself.)

  11. oh man, i didn't know you had entered. Your design is totally cool. And I couldn't agree more. I often felt like people didn't look at the design interpretation of the theme...but they really just voted for the item they wanted a tutorial for. Bummer. I like the artist in you. You are a very creative lady!
