
Thursday, September 2, 2010

From frumpy to fabulous!

sorry for the crappy picture, know one was home to take it!
I love buying clothes at the thrift store and trying to make them into something else. I've been doing it forever, but over the years I have become more daring with my purchases. When I bought this dress I didn't know exactly what I would do with it, but I just knew it had potential. And I LOVE the result!
First I cut the bottom off, and took off the elastic waist. Then I cut off the sleeves (and shoulder pads) and took in the sides of the top.
At this point I had a cute little top that I actually really liked, but it was a little short. (Sorry for another mirror shot!)
I took the HUGE bottom half and sewed a smaller tube that went in at the waist and ever so slightly out at the hips (since I don't really have a huge difference between my waist and hips). Luckily I was working with a stretchy fabric so it was VERY quick and easy to remake this dress, no zippers needed.

I wanted a sort of 30's/40's? look, so I kept the top bigger, and made the bottom skin tight at the waist. I just sewed the top and bottom right sides together, gathering the excess top fabric as I went. DONE! Super comfy. flattering, and it only cost me $3 to make! (That's how much the original dress cost.)


  1. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??????????? wow girl....when I think u can't surprise me anymore, u do it again!!! I want that dress!!!!amazing!

  2. So flippin CUTE! You inspire me so much, Katie:)

  3. Love it. LOVE it!! You're incredible! That dress is A-dorable! Great job!!!

  4. AWESOME! Wish I had you to thrift with...I would have passed that dress up.

  5. You are darling and AMAZING! Please come live by me and sew me custom outfits!

  6. I had to do a double take! Good job!

  7. This seriously looks amazing! You did a great job!

  8. what a transformation! the new version looks adorable on you!!

  9. Wow. Awesome job Katie! I don't think I would have been brave enough to go for that dress- and you made it absolutely adorable.

  10. Wow I love what you've done with it. I can't believe they were charging $3.00 for the original. Wow that was UGLY~

  11. Amazing! It's adorable and you are a genius!

  12. Holy amazing dress!!! I LOVE IT!! You are so beautiful!! Gosh, green and polka dots - 2 of my favorite things :)

  13. You did a great job! I just recently finished my first thrift store refashion and am now OBSESSED with finding more funky dresses to change!

  14. yes much better n 1st photo i was like ewwwwwwwwwwww but the last u stepped it up & made it fab. project runway here u come

  15. Seriously gorgeous! I love it! You are so talented! Oh and I got my earrings today! They came so fast!! I'm wearing them right now :)

  16. Love it! You have a great eye for picky potentially cute but frumpy thrift items! I don't think I would ever picked that dress out, but your results are awesome! Nice work.

  17. Am i the only one that likes the "old version" better than the new one....;). You are super amazing. I should've taken you up on making those bloomers!

  18. Oh my!! You are amazing! That dress is perfect!! Love the color and what you have done is incredible. I really enjoy reading your posts. xo

  19. Katie, you're the best. That white crochet-ed collar thingy is beautiful, and I love what you've done to the dress. I miss you!

  20. Don't forget who gave you your first sewing lessons.

  21. I would like to have this dress. Please and thank you. Although, I don't know if I could pull it off, why don't you just give it to me, and I'll see :)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Wow! I'm stunned Katie! I saw the first picture and just thought "nope, I don't know how she could possibly make that look good". You proved me wrong though! This is so pretty:)

  24. Fantasic dress, it looks amazing on you.

  25. Holy crap, I just came upon your blog and wish so much that I had the sewing skills to duolicat vthis. I'm in love!! You found a new follower,..maybe one day I will attempt.

  26. Katie, you're a genius! I like the top version too.

  27. Katie, you're a genius! I like the top version too.
