
Friday, September 24, 2010

I FINALLY made it to the front page of etsy!!!

I've only had an etsy site for 2 years now. sheesh. I've been in a lot of treasuries lately for some reason (which is crazy since I haven't been putting anything new into my shop---I've been swamped with my store orders), and I was wondering to myself the other day whether any of those treasuries would ever make it to the front page. well I guess one of them did! hoorah! The bummer thing is that the treasury is only up for one hour so its no longer there, but you can see the proof above:)


  1. Good for you! I've had an etsy shop for over three years and have never made it there but have been in tons of treasuries! How do you find out if you make it to the front page?

  2. Yay--so exciting! Glad you got to see it and I hope it means a lot of new sales for you :)

  3. Way to go girl!! Congrats! I have had the same thing happen to me lately too! Crazy..not doing anything with my shop but getting orders. I'm okay with it. ;)

  4. congrats! hopefully we can add some of your goodies to soon!

  5. Ok, since I'm the only non-etsy store do you make it to the front page of etsy?!
