
Friday, November 19, 2010


230 pieces = 3,450 min (+/-), 57.5 hours
what you see above (and there are many you can't really see) is what I am bringing to ICE tomorrow. and as you can tell by the stats, it represents A LOT of hard work and long hours. 

ICE is tomorrow. TOMORROW! It was a huge undertaking for me this year, since I have way more stores then I've had in years previous, making it hard to make large quantities for both the stores and for my own booth. Everytime I would make a large quantity of stuff, a store would tell me they needed more! AHHH I kept having to start over! Anyway, my goal was to bring 200 pieces, because I run out every year, and I am happy that I actually went OVER. Even if I have a bad year for some reason, well that means I can finally stock up the etsy store (I have so many styles that have never even made it in there!) and send some to the Beehive. I am so glad I am finally getting a break though. now I can make things for myself again!


  1. Good luck tomorrow! Wish I could go, your headbands are sooo adorable

  2. they look so pretty all lined up together like that!
