
Friday, January 28, 2011

Dear Joel, You Make Me CRAAAZY! (with jealousy)

Have you all seen the blog "Made by Joel" yet??? I just saw it for the first time the other day thanks to Annie. One look and I wanted to simultaneously die of jealousy because of his awesome, yet simple ideas, and yet I wanted to give him a big hug and say THANK-YOU!!! I have always wanted to make more of Olivia's toys, and now, thanks to Joel Henrique I have very simple ways to make fun toys for her! Below is just a smattering (is that a word?) of what you will find on that blog.
 spool turkeys
 branch forest 
 simple marionette

 velcro robot
 walking deer
 (A simple marble maze)
(a woodpecker that pecks and oscillates as you pull the rubberband)
Check them all out here. Prepare to be awed.


  1. Yes!! Joel is amazing. I can't remember how but I discovered him at maybe his 5th post? Way cool man. Personal fave is the kids playhouse.

  2. WOW. These are amazing. I hadn't ever heard of him so thank you for the great recommendation!
