
Monday, January 17, 2011


 I am so sorry that I haven't posted in about a month! a month! And I don't have a really good excuse. Mostly I've been realllllllly lazy and I've had a hard time getting back into the swing of things. Does anyone feel like that? 2 week vacations (and INCREDIBLE pregnancy tiredness)  always throw my "go, go, go, make, make, make" mentality for a spin. But I think I am getting it back. slowly.  In my time "off" these are some of the things that have been doing...

(above) Playing with Olivia in the snow for her very first time (which she loved!!!!) while being snowed in (Atlanta) for 4 days.
 Teaching Olivia what to do with all the make-up she keeps playing with ( I love this photo because she looks like an old lady with her blue eyeshadow).
 Olivia's been trying out pigtails and cleaning out all of my supply drawers.
 we've played a lot with pretend food, while wearing awesome sunglasses....
 And I have been 100% addicted to playing this game on my new iPad (my parents got it for me for Christmas, thanks mom and dad!!!!).
seriously, if you like regular boggle, then you will LOVE the boggle app. I have had a hard time picking up a book, making a headband, or doing ANYTHING productive after Olivia goes to bed at night, because all I want to do is play boggle. I tell myself, "just one game," but then I can't stop! addiction is not good.

so, the point of this post is to tell you that while I've been lazy lately, I will be back on the blog again. promise!


  1. do you play Words with Friends? That's my addiction!

  2. I am addicted to Scramble! Just like Boggle for the most part.

  3. Do I not have the cutest grandbaby alive? Oh yes! I think I do! And thanks, Katie, for turning me on to Boggle for the iPad! Ha! Love, Mom

  4. love the pigtails! so glad at least one of my girls lets me still do her hair. and for some reason my girls call them "pinkie tails". go figure. and it looks like you are enabling your mom with ipad apps hmmm....
