
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

dance dance tu tu

Olivia started her first creative dance (ballet and tap) class today.  I really want/need to make her a little tutu to wear. Today I copped out and sent her in a little tutu-ish skirt from the Gap... But I have big plans. Okay I have no plans. I just know I need to make her something that is hopefully somewhere in the vicinity of the these beauties (found via this lady) Now where to find the time....
(and to all you bloggers out there with an infant and a toddler who have a blog and a shop and are STILL FINDING TIME TO BLOG.... how in the hello! are you doing it???!!!)
and when I find that time (is it in a pot at the end of a rainbow?) I will surely be making one for me inspired by this beaut. And I'll stand up against a pale wall with my new glasses on and a cardigan buttoned up backwards.  I will definitely be sucking in my stomach.
off topic, but I really want to copy this cool dress for either the girls, or for me.... bye bye for now!


  1. So cute! I really want a grown-up tutu like the one you posted. Where do people find such fun skirts?

  2. Those crazy mom bloggers with shops and daily blogs and crazy craft projects just ignore their kids right? I'm pretty sure that's how they do it, or at least I hope so or I'll feel a little inadequate!

  3. Maybe they have nannies like Sarah Jessica Parker? I have 2 toddlers and by the time I have time to do something I no longer have a brain capable of creative activity... or any activity that isn't mindless for that matter. Love those tutus and Can. not. wait. til my lil girl is old enough for dance class... but she'll probably want to play hockey instead HA!

  4. Those tutu outfits are amazing. I have a toddler and am preggo with #2 and that alone has put my blogging at a standstill. I always wonder the same thing though. Stepford bloggers perhaps?
