
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Citrus-Herb Season Salt (makes a good gift!!)

wait. The holidays are over so why am I giving you gift ideas? well the good 'ol sale took over my entire month of December so I am behind on all the things I wanted to blog about! Here is the small gift I made to give to friends during the Christmas season. <----- I am sure I could've made some sort of clever pun to go along with it but that's not really my style.

I liked this gift because A. I was able to make a big batch at once and then  I was done (and I had VERY little time to do things like this b/c of the Fab sale). B. It encouraged healthy eating and though I am a huge chocolate lover, sometimes I am greatful when I am not given a bunch more that I will likely consume before the day is over! I figure there must be others that feel the same... C. it is delicious and tastes good on meats, beans, hummus, etc!

I got the jars at the dollar store and I made the labels using photoshop!

(adapted from Martha Stewart)
1/4 C coarse salt (I used kosher)
2 T finely grated lemon zest (I used organic lemons cause ick on the shaving pesticide into the mix!)
4 t dried rosemary
3 t dried thyme
3 t dried oregano
1/2 t each of: sugar, paprika, and red pepper flakes
1 T tangerine zest  ** (I added this at the end, its my own addition to the recipe and it seriously upped the ante. It smelled delicious!)

I quadrupled the recipe, got cheaper herbs in the plastic bags, and made this an economical gift! But really, if its not the gifting season just make it for yourself. yum. I can see this being a good teacher gift? (Along with something else.) And if you grow your own herbs you could dry them yourself and put them in... yum! The possibilities are endless.

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