
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

BIG BOW tutorial

Are you digging the big bow style? Big Bows are simple to make out of fabric, and I made this little tutorial just cause, well I was making one to go on my placemat clutch, and thought you might want to know how! not that it takes a genius or anything, but I've made a few that didn't come out that great, and maybe you have too! Anyway, Here you go! (and I am sure there are other ways, this is just how I made mine).

MATERIALS: (for the one to go one the purse)
Piece of fabric 13"x 25"
Piece of fabric 2 1/2" x 10"
scissors, thread, glue gun (or just the glue gun, if you don't have a sewing machine)
1.cut out you fabric
2. for both pieces, put right sides together vertically, and sew all the way down.
3. turn them both right side out and move the seam to the middle.
4. on just the big piece, put the ends together and sew (for my seams i always just use the edge of the foot as my guide. also you can do all these steps with a glue gun if you choose).
5.turn the piece so the seam is on the inside middle.

6. wrap  the skinnier strip around the big one, and sew down (not necessary, but keeps it from sliding). If it is too thick, just sew a little bit.
7.wrap around one more time, then cut the excess, and glue the edge under! done!!
I think it makes the purse even cuter. I am thrilled with my new clutch that only cost $2 to make!
I can definitely see putting the bow on a pillow too!  Or you could wear it around your neck, like i did in this post....Enjoy making lots of big bows:)


  1. This is an amazing post!! Im guna make myself a cushion! Thanks for posting
    Claire xo

  2. This is fantastic!! I can't wait to try this! xo

  3. Ah, beautiful! Great spring/summer clutch... Would look devine with a white dress and sassy red sandals or wedges:)

  4. Your idea is amazing!!!! Thank you so much for this tutorial. I've given it a try. You could see mine here:

  5. okay, ever since Shannon put your clutch in her MOM's day roundup I have been thinking about it. I'm not joking. Every day or so it pops into my mind. And then I'm browsing your blog here and whoa! It's YOURS.
    Katie, your blog is gorgeous. And your baby room on Ohdeedo is way too cool. Love what you did.

    Okay, almost have your giveaway ready :)

  6. LOVE the way this finally came out! Sorry I'm slow on commenting...just finished finals so I'm catching up on my two favorite blogs -- yours and my moms (p.s. your comment to her recent post was so sweet!!)

    You inspire me with your creativity!! I may call you later this week about tips for making pillows...I'm taking the plunge and making my own covers since store bought ones are TOO expensive (and I can't find any I like to boot!)

    Love you lots Katie Jean!

  7. Found this tutorial on Sew Mama Sew. It is SUPER cute. Thanks so much for sharing your technique!

  8. This is beautiful. I'm the newsletter editor for the Houston Chapter of the American Sewing Guild. I will definitely include it in our next issue.
