Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Surprise Announcement!

SUPRISE! I am nauseous and tired and this little baby is growing inside about to make me fat again. And I am so happy about it (ok not the getting fat again, I seriously JUST lost the weight like 3 months ago)! Yes Amelie is only 11 months, and yes we were trying. More on that when I have time to post about it.

Just got back from a "vacation" (where I took my 2 girls- 2.5 yrs old and 11 months old) all.by.myself. on a plane to Costa Rica to meet up with my in-laws (my husband could not come with us......). I will post photos soon! I did get to relax a bit and eat good food while I was there thanks to my MIL, but the flight home was so traumatic that I have a hard time remembering the good parts!

OH YEAH!  I am 10 wks, 3 days along, so the due date is january 7th!


Mora said...

So happy for you! Mazel tov!!!

sarah marie. said...

so excited for you!

Between Blue and Yellow said...

Holy cow Katie! You are a brave girl, I'm speechless...ha!
Congrats :)

Yvette said...

Hooray!! Congratulations! Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help, seriously.

Scotty and Chels said...

YEAH! I was not expecting this. Congrats!! I'm sure whatever you have next (boy or girl) I'll have next too since I seem to be copying you! :) Can't wait to hear more.

Barbara said...

Congratulations! Crazy days and sleepless nights are ahead, as you well know. But so is so much love you'll wonder that your heart doesn't burst.

Many of your followers (like me) have been where you are and survived. I read your blog for all the great ideas I can apply to my Granddaughter. So yeah, I made it through those three quick-in-succession babies. I'll be thinking of you and sending you positive vibes!

Alice said...

Wow congratulations! We're still recovering from just having 2 and Sylvia is 19 mos. HA!

Margret said...

Congratulations!! such wonderful news. We're expecting our second and we're due Jan 7 too :) which makes me think we'll be in the birthing pool on New Years Eve.