It began with a hand-me-down top from my mom's friend (and mine) Heather. I really wanted to make Olivia a new party dress, so I thought using this shirt as a base would cut down the time it took to make one.

First I cut a strip of fabric for the bottom (out of a vintage pillowcase from Goodwill). I made sure it was long enough that I could pleat the whole thing. In the end the circumfrence was still a little large compared to the shirt so I added smaller pleats to the front.

Then I pinned it to the shirt (after basting the skirt), sewed 1/4 inseam, and trimmed the excess.

Now I probably should've just sewn the hem for the bottom of the dress and been finished here, b/c I actually like it like this, but instead I kept going.

I cut out 2 sleeve shapes long enough to gather.

Then I pleated the top (you can also baste 2 lines and then pull the strings and gather)

Then I stopped taking photos, b/c I had to finish the rest during Olivia's nap the next day (this was a 2 nap project).
what I did:
1. finish the hem on the sleeves, sewed them into the dress (the sleeves don't go all the way around, there is a space on the bottom)
2.cut off the collar and sewed a ruffle collar by folding over a piece of fabric, pleating it and sewing it back on the collar-less area.
the end! and I am pondering the idea of re-naming this blog: "while you were napping" because that is the only time I have now to do projects.
PS I will be posting headbands back in my shop soonish. been a little busy with the cutest baby in the world!
You are amazing! LOVE this! Oh how I wish some of your creative genius could rub off on me....
Hey Katie, I met you at Matilda's birthday party. My daughter's name is Ava. I didn't know that your husband is in DO school. My brother is as well and was going to go to the same school as your hubby. He is in Chicago at Midwestern. I am so impressed with all your creations. Just signed up as a follower of your blog! Thanks for sharing on the blog. I hope your are doing well with your little girl. Nice to meet you!
you are a genius...you've always been. remember when i bought that fabric flower necklace from you in like 2004 and now everbody makes them? you are so avant-garde. i want to see YOUR Olivia...do you have another blog? hope all is well!
what a cool dress. did you just come up witht he sleeve pattern or is this a block you have? i love how you look at things in such a way that you don't see what "is," you always see what "may be" -- such a talent!
Awesome job! That is so ridiculously cute!
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