This sweet little thing has kept me from making headbands for awhile (totally worth it), but now she has learned how to NAP DURING THE DAY finally! So... alas here are some new headbands in the shop.

tuliplicious (in different color combos)

This is a shot of me photographing in the mirror wearing the felt feather clip. my new favorite!

grey and orange jewels headband (various color combinations)

white and creme felt feather headband (various color combinations)

pink and green carnival headband for babies/children (modeled by Olivia, my daughter)
Spread the word please! I have had an empty shop for so long now, that I need the promoting! Headbands are still available at Young Blood Gallery and Boutique in Atlanta and Quirk in Richmond, VA. I will also be at the Indie Craft Experience (ICE) again this year so see me there in November!
i.am.in.love. with your feather felt headbands. when we find out if it's male or female, i may be commissioning a stack of things ;) -- lucky little olivia the model.
p.s. i love the idea of "while you were napping" as a title or subtitle to your blob
these headbands are GORGEOUS. and your daughter is too...congratulations!
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