Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the latest blue-eyed freckle....

I look for inspiration everywhere when I am coming up with new designs for my hair accessories. I guess it comes from years of painting/drawing; I would always notice things that I could use in my artwork. Now that I am focusing more on my blue-eyed freckle business I hate that I am not creating art,  so I am trying to look at the world around me to find inspiration for new designs. This way I can feel like I am still creating art, its just wearable and soft:)

After seeing this anthropologie cardigan (above) I was inspired to create a headband with the same feeling as the white detailing on the collar...

This was my first attempt... I tried it out in my least favorite color of felt, just in case it didn't come out right (I love olive green, I hate this heathered olive green).
Oh look, miss lover of green Olivia didn't like it either... haha just kidding. more like she wanted me to pick her up and hold her.
And then I liked it so much I made about 20 more! My favorites are the blues and greens, but I made some purples for all those girls out there who love a little violet in their hair:)
 My other new design is inspired by lace doilies. I love a vintage doily but I just can't bear to use them on headbands that I sell! So I came up with a felt version. I am in love with these too! I know I always say that, but I wouldn't ever release a new design that I wasn't in love with in the first place!

I can't say when any of these will be in my etsy shop since I am getting ready for the Indie Craft Experience but maybe afterwards? I know the shop has been bare lately. I apologize!


Jan said...

I really like the headbands. Good luck at the Indie Craft Experience. I hope any left overs end up in the shop. I'd like one for my granddaughter.

Claire Kiefer said...

1. That cardigan is freakin' out of this world!
2. I love them all, but I can't get over how pretty that yellow lace doily headband looks in your hair!

Emily said...

I love both of the new designs- way cute!

Jenny said...

I love both of your new designs. And, whenever I wear one of your headbands I get tons of compliments! Love it.

Delia said...

Very pretty! I love olive green actually. :) The blue and yellow is really my favorite of the ones you have shown though.

Teddi said...


Nikki said...

I love, love, LOVE all of them!! Gorgeous!!

Cristy said...

OK, those are amazing! Our RS is having a super Saturday thingy and making felt headbands etc, but looking at those I'm thinking, why bother?! Amazing detail!

I was watching a Nate Berkus show recently where he had this lady come on and show how to make second hand clothes into cool new clothes by using tape, and they were OK, but I kept thinking "Why didn't they call KATIE!!"

Anonymous said...

I am alos use headbands when i want to open my hair freely. So there are many types of hairband for choosing. Thanks
Seo Servises

Taylor {Sew Much Love} said...

Oh my gosh! As soon as you get those doily ones in your shop I am so buying one!