I've been having all of this inner turmoil about making art, making stuff for my etsy shop, and creativity/uniqueness. I periodically go through these phases where I battle between making things that bring exquisite joy to me, but may not appeal to the masses, and making things that are sellable. Starting this new business has brought about a lot of this turmoil. So much so that I was very unhappy for a couple days there last week. After much pondering and seeking out answers, I decided to take blueeyedfreckle in what I think is a better direction. It isn't changing completely, but my process is. I want to create a little unique work of art with each piece. I don't want to do a search on Etsy and find 20 other pieces that are incredibly similar to mine!
so yesterday I sat down in my little studio surrounded by all the scraps of projects past. I wondered what I should do, when I looked up and saw the drawing pictured above. It had been a doodle I sketched during some boring meeting last year. I knew that that is what I needed to feed my new designs. The doodles and artwork I had already created! It was the perfect solution! I can now continue to create artwork and the artwork can inspire the craft!
As I created the two pieces pictured above, I felt like I was painting. I used the felts and leatherettes as my paint. It is much more fulfilling to create when I view it as art-making then just money-making. Maybe the masses will think these are a little too funky to wear (which I am used to), but at least I will love making them. And perhaps someone will come along who does love them, and I can feel happy that I created something that excites them.
the masses are dumb and boring. create what you want and a re inspired to make:)
i love love love love love that headband! So cute!
i love the headband and the nexklace but i love alice more! because she is right. love, mom
Your art is beautifully engaging. It is exciting that your art inspired pieces are going to be exhibited on human museums. Terrific!
Did someone already buy that headband? I went to your esty shop and it isn't listed.
Amen to Alice's comment
i think you are really on to something here. i love these two new pieces!
p.s. i've actually had the experience a couple of times where i make something that i really like...but i think it will be too weird for "the masses" and then it ends up being one of the most popular things i sell... doesn't always work that way, but enough to make it worth it!
hello - i found this space through the vast network of style/craft blogs out there, and want to say i really appreciate the things you're expressing here. i'm not a "true" artist myself, but i have dear friends who are, and i identify with your struggle secondhand :) i agree - make what you love, or there's no point making. and for the record, i can't stop looking at the detail of that headband!
i just tried looking for your address somewhere, but couldn't find it (and i can't sign into Etsy at work - boo). is it all right if i link to your shop on my own little blogspace?
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