Now, I don't like to toot my own horn usually (unless I am just around family), but I. AM. IN. LOVE. with these new headbands. I really think these are the cutest headbands I have ever made. And I love that I haven't seen anything like them recently. Okay I have seen ribbon headbands, and I have seen felt headbands, but I haven't seen combos like this. And I like to make things that when you do a search on etsy there aren't 4 MILLION of the same things. Not that I don't ever make headbands that look pretty normal (ie. flowers...), but I don't get as much satisfaction out of designing those. I like to invent and reinvent, like any artist. And if you HAVE seen headbands like this floating around in cyberspace, please don't tell me:)
oh and these will be in the etsy shop soon, but I have to finish getting ready for this show! NOVEMBER 21st, 11-6, atlanta, more on this soon:)
I LOVE these! Can you teach a "suwanee university" class on how to make awesomely beautiful headbands?! :)
Cute cute!
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